Why Yumeiho®?

Why should I learn precisely Yumeiho® instead of something else, or even something resembling Yumeiho® (Shiatsu, Tui Na, Thai-massage, etc.) or something more complicated and sophisticated (osteopathy, chiropractics) or relatively distinct (reflexotherapy, acupressure, etc.)?
The answer can be identical both for the patient as potential beneficiary and for the one who wants to become a therapist.
Strictly technically and practically speaking, the procedures included in the Yumeiho® therapy are, most of them in any case, similar to the other oriental manual therapeutic methods.
Theoretically speaking, the physiological, biomechanical and energetic principles which form the concepts of pathogenesis are, again, shared with other disciplines spread in the East and in the West, such as: the Traditional Chinese Medicine; the Seitai Ho, So Tai Ho and So Seitai Ho Japanese Schools, the French School of Posturology and Podology; the American and European Schools of Osteopathy and Chiropractics; etc.
And then, why Yumeiho®? What is, after all, Yumeiho®?
Yumeiho® is in no case a sort of twin sister of any of the abovementioned therapeutic methods and, despite the fact it might seem untrue, it does not plagiarize them either. Not even at a conceptual level! The appearance of similarity is a consequence of the inherent work with the person, with the human physiology and physiopathology, with the biomechanics. For instance: there aren’t so many possibilities of actively or passively mobilizing a certain joint, but the necessity of its mobilization to therapeutic purposes can be noticed by people who don’t know each other or who haven’t read the same books either, who don’t have mutual information sources. Thus, different people can develop independently apparently similar work methods for a certain joint, without copying each other and often without having the same intent – efficiency – effect, though, while seen from the outside, the procedures may seem applied identically by each of them.
If truth be told, some of the procedures applied in Yumeiho® are a combination – improvement – stylization of the most efficient techniques, pointed out within sundry other therapeutic methods. But the resulted procedure is unique both technically speaking and from the point of view of its therapeutic efficiency. O-Sensei Shiuchi Ohnno and O-Sensei Saionji Masayuki have constantly perfected and adapted their technical Yumeiho® “toolkit”.

The theory, the concepts and the practical application of the Yumeiho® therapy are based on this study, from the discovery and the analysis of the complex relations between the physical and psychical structural alignment, between posture and the psychic sphere (the mental dynamics, the totality of mental-emotional processes), between posture and physical pathology, between the physical structural alignment and the pathogenic or the sanogenetic potential. In view of restoring the structural symmetry of the human body and of the functional balance of the organism, the Yumeiho® therapist resorts to a wide range of procedures and methods, some of them being specific to Yumeiho®, whereas others can be “borrowed” from other therapies, as the case may be, when it becomes necessary (either due to the professional limitations of the therapist or due to certain problems that are beyond the field of the practical application of Yumeiho®).
When the restoration of the alignment and of the structural symmetry becomes impossible, or possible just in part, the purpose of applying the Yumeiho® therapy is to help regain the balance and the functional harmony within the existing parameters. For instance, nothing can prevent a person affected by irreversible scoliosis to feel good, except that in this case the therapeutic strategy will be adapted to the situation, which means the therapist will aim to treat the symptoms, as well as he will act preventively (the prevention, as much as possible, of disorders adjoining scoliosis, of the pains caused by it) instead of curatively. Master Saionji Masayuki applies Yumeiho® to people who have cancer, incurable diseases; in this case, were this people in need of structural realignment? Of course they were! Structural adjustment, regardless of the minimum extent to which it can be attained, offers them alignment and… Dignity! In the light of these considerations, I urge you to notice the relation, even culturally speaking, between Verticality and Dignity!
The major distinctions between the Yumeiho® therapy and other apparently similar methods could be the following:
- The special massage technique – appaku – [though the “press-pull” method is included in the Tui Na manual therapy (the an fa – rou fa combination), yet the manner of applying it is completely different!];
- The manner of applying and combining the 100 fundamental procedures (YUMEIHO ICHIBAN KATA). The consecution, the elegant alignment and fluency of these procedures are unique.
- The possibility to successfully apply this therapy even when we don’t precisely know how to approach the patient’s pathology, or when we don’t have an exact diagnosis. One has to apply YUMEIHO ICHIBAN KATA (taking into account the contraindications!), and the rest follows naturally, and after several sessions we will know what needs to be done.
- The concept which concerns the relation between the dominant position of the center of gravity and of the human body and the ability of restoring the physical and psychic health; the relation between the pelvis (kotsuban) and the vital harmony (wa-ki);
- Unlike other manual therapeutic methods in the case of which the initiation begins with the teaching of certain philosophical, energetic, medical etc. concepts, in Yumeiho® we begin directly with the practical application. The manner of training the practitioners and the therapists focuses equally on pointing out the candidate’s potential and on practice (according to the oriental principle: “the theory inherently follows the practice”). The virtually unlimited access to information offered by the modern means and the large number of organized refresher stages will subsequently enable the grasping of the necessary theoretical knowledge.
- Other distinctions are matters of nuance, of conceptual and technical refinement, of issues which can not be explained in writing.
Yet, why Yumeiho®?

- Because, since it undeniably preserves its uniqueness, it features theoretic-conceptual and practical elements met in all the first-hand therapeutic manual methods worldwide.
- Because it offers the advantages of a complex and comprehensive curative and prophylactic application, characterized by a wide preventive and pathological accessibility and addressability, thus providing the possibility to apply a genuinely integral manual therapy.
- Because it can be learned by virtually everybody, due to the teaching system organized on sundry levels of proficiency, so it can be practiced according to everyone’s necessities and possibilities; one doesn’t need to be a “master” in order to be able to contribute to other people’s wellbeing by using Yumeiho®.
- Because it is consistent with the modern medical concepts, a fact corroborated by numerous medical studies.
- Because for the last 35 years thousands of practitioners and tens of thousands of patients have been appreciating Yumeiho®!
- Because it is only seldom that a patient – practitioner happens to rule out Yumeiho® and opt for another manual therapeutic method, but, on the other hand, most of the people who learn Yumeiho® give up practicing other manual therapeutic methods. This also hold true with respect to the beneficiaries of the Yumeiho® therapy.
- Because it enforces minimum requirements on the conditions of applying the therapy, meaning it can be applied almost anywhere and anytime.
- Because even when the application of the Yumeiho® therapy does not have direct efficient effects on the pathology and / or the symptoms for which the patient requires treatment, it still generates invigoration, wellbeing, an overall sanogenetic effect, the patient being able, thus, to undergo its pain much easier. Despite the fact the initial symptoms don’t alleviate, the patient feels how Yumeiho® improves their condition.
- Because Yumeiho® does not rule out God from the patient – disease – therapist equation; on the contrary, the Yumeiho® therapist knows that “Nihil Sine Deo”, they know they can only act only to the extent they are allowed to act, they know that without the prayer for the patient and for themselves they are powerless; the therapist realizes they are only a mere companion of their fellow creature on their way to wellbeing!
- Because it exists!
Sorin Iga
President of the Romanian Yumeiho® Society,
6th degree instructor and therapist,
International representative of the International Institute of Practical Preventive Medicine from Tokyo – Japan
Article taken from BULETINUL INFORMATIV al S.R.Y. nr. 3 – august 2011