Therapeutic indications
Conceiving a set of medical indications massage, osteoarticular manipulations, acupressure, gymnastics and, respectively, on all the techniques and procedures comprises in the Yumeiho® therapy (and on the similar therapeutic methods) – as it is the case with other fields of physiotherapy – is an apparently easy attempt and task, but nonetheless difficult and, paradoxically, useless and meaningless. Why? Because there are countless indications of such applications. Even if we wanted to try to classify them, we take the risk of being subject to critiques, because of hazards and possible omissions. We feature below an approximate display of these indications, in view of reducing to a minimum the possibility of ignoring or of not knowing them.
* Disorders of the statics and of the dynamic of the locomotor system, such as: pelvic asymmetries, kyphosis, scoliosis, hyperlordosis, and combinations and complications of such disorders (kyphoscoliosis, etc.); the improper distribution of the body weight on the level of the pelvis and of the inferior limbs respectively (preventing the pathology induced by such disorders or alleviating the already existing pathology); muscular-articular rigidity, ligamental laxity; disorders of walking, balance and statics owed to the abovementioned causes and to the induced complications.
* Neuralgias and neuromyalgia, regardless of their localization, anatomical-functional substratum and their cause (except for the causes which stand out as contraindications, such as the lumbar disk hernia accompanied by sciatica): rheumatic, neurological, posttraumatic, psychogenic, articular disorders, myositis, myofasciitis, myogelosis, cellulites, neuritis and polyneuritis, muscular-tendinous retractions, muscular contractions, muscular hypotrophy and atrophies generated by sundry causes (central and peripheral, neurological and posttraumatic, postinflammatory and postinfectious etc.);
* Disorders and sufferings of the cardiovascular apparatus, peripheral and central alike: venous and lymphatic stasis accompanied by peripheral circulatory edemas, vascular ischemia in functional incipient stages, arterial hypertension in functional stages;
* Gastro-intestinal disorders such as: functional disorders of the intestinal transit of vegetative or constitutional origin or as a result of an improper diet (slow intestinal transit, constipation, diarrhea with no infectious causes), biliary dyskinesia, pyloric stasis (caused by stress), etc.
* Psychogenic disorders of sundry etiologies: multiple forms of asthenic neurosis, spasmophilia, chronic tetany, neurovegetative dystonia;
* Dismetabolic disorders: obesity, diabetes, gout;
* Disorders of gynecological nature: uterus hypotrophy and displacement, ptosis, adhesions, chronic inflammations etc;
* The pregnant women’s preparation for delivering the baby;
* Pediatrics: sundry types of anemia, rachitis, hypoanabolic syndromes of sundry origins;
* Geriatrics: treatment for maintaining and stimulating the skeletal musculature, or joints and of the diminished metabolism, etc. Subsequently to permissive preclinical exams (biological, laboratory etc.).
* Stress. Disorders induced by stress, such as: insomnia, anxiety, agitation, painful muscular pressure, chronic psychic and physic tiredness, sundry neurovegetative disorders, etc. Preventing the onset of stress or the onset of stress-induced disorders. The person’s inability to relax.
* Diminishing or even removing the harmful effects induced by sedentariness.
* Preparing athletes for performance; recovery the ability to move and make effort in the case of athletes.
* Recovery of the patients who have underwent extensive immobilization;
* Enhancing, correcting and increasing the pulmonary ventilation, in the cases in which the ventilation capacity is diminished owed to the rigidifying of the thorax (muscular contractions, thoracic vertebral arthritis) or to the incorrect (insufficient) respiration.

It goes without saying that on top of the abovementioned indications, which are more or less precise, there are plenty other cases in which applying the Yumeiho therapy can be beneficial.
For each of these indications there are certain particularities specific to each case, particularities which may occur and determine the contraindication of applying the therapy or certain techniques and procedures included in this therapy. For instance: the application of the Yumeiho therapy is indicated in sciatic neuralgia, provided that it is not generated by a disk hernia (in this case, the vertebral manipulations are forbidden), but even in this case the circumstances can vary, being particular for each and every case. As a result, the patients’ selection, evaluation and supervision must be carried out by specialist physicians.
In the case of people who have received from the doctor the confirmation of their clinical health, the application of the therapy can be made integrally. The approach will chiefly aim the prophylactic level, meaning, it will aim to correct the precise functional disorders (anomalies) which generate discomfort or which can induce long term pathologic states.
Therapists with a vast experience and with an adequate medical training will be able to approach even the most difficult cases, obtaining at least satisfactory results.
Sorin Iga
President of the Romanian Yumeiho® Society,
6th degree instructor and therapist,
International representative of the International Institute of Practical Preventive Medicine from Tokyo – Japan