Contraindications of Applying the Yumeiho Therapy
Roughly speaking, the contraindications of applying the manual therapeutic procedures are divided in: general and partial, definitive and temporary.
The general contraindication implies the interdiction of applying any massage or manipulation technique on any of the body regions. It can be temporary of definitive.
The partial contraindications refers either to the permission to apply the procedures only on certain body regions or to the selective application of only certain therapeutic techniques or procedures.
The definitive contraindication is decided only in case of certain incurable serious chronic diseases which might aggravate in case the Yumeiho therapy is applied.
The temporary contraindications, which are frequently met, are required by minor transient illnesses, disorders or lesions.

We provide here at length the contraindications of applying the yumeiho therapy:
The most frequent contraindications result from dermatological sufferings (skin diseases, tegumental disorders). Keeping in mind the fact that the massage, the manipulation, the stimulation etc. can be applied only on a perfectly healthy skin is highly important. No massages or any other similar procedures will be given to people who exhibit diseases of parasitic or inflammatory nature on the level of the tegument, such as: parasitic infections (scabies, etc.), fungal infections (mycosis), eczema, eruptions, cankers, burns or other pathological manifestations which might spread, aggravate or cause contamination. No massages will be applied on portions of the skin which covers a deep inflammatory process (furuncles, abscesses, phlegmons or other purulent accumulations). No massage procedures will be applied in regions which have recently undergone surgical interventions while exhibiting incomplete or improperly healed (scarred) tissues.
We here mention a range of general or regional disorders in the case of which the application of the yumeiho therapy is contraindicated:
* acute intoxications of any kind;
* febrile states (infectious or of any other kind)
* bone or osteoarticular infectious disorders (osteitis, osteomyelitis, arthritis, etc.);
* average or advanced osteoporosis;
* variously localized tuberculosis: pulmonary, osteoarticular, cutaneous etc;
* thrombophlebitis, phlebothrombosis, arthritis with acute maniofestation (in case of complications);
* acute cardio-circulatory disorders: angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, rhythm disorders, decompensated manifest cardiac insufficiency, ascertained aneurisms, variously localized embolisms, arterial hypertension in course of decompensation etc;
* atherosclerosis with peripheral or central manifestations (coronary, cerebral, renal, intestinal etc.);
* acute pulmonary sufferings;
* the application of the Yumeiho therapy is also contraindicated in acute disorders of the digestive tube: gastric, intestinal, hepatic, biliary and pancreatic etc.; in case of ulcerous colitis (ulcerous- hemorrhagic, Crohn disease), biliary lithiasis, colecistitis, improperly treated (or in acute flare) gastric and duodenal ulcer.
* severe renal diseases (patients undergoing dialysis)
* blood diseases, in particular the ones with hemorrhagic manifestation (or tendency) (severe capillary frailty, hemophilia, treatments which require anticoagulant medication, etc.)
* states of tiredness and severe debility;
* psychic diseases characterized by excitation and confusion or drunkenness.
* severe traumatisms (ecchymoses, clots, muscle and tissue rupture of any kind), unconsolidated or insufficiently consolidated fractures (in such cases, the therapy will be applied only subsequently to the clinical confirmation of the lesions and after the assessment of the possible remaining sequelae).
* disk hernias accompanied by severe neurological manifestations, vertebral luxations, etc.
* any type of cancer on any level (unless it is recommended by the oncologist).
* hernias of any kind (eventrations, hiatal hernia, etc.)
The application of the Yumeiho therapy will be avoided during the menstruation period, in particular in abundant or overabundant menstruation (the application of the therapy is contraindicated in hypermenorrhea!)
The Yumeiho therapy will not be applied within at least 2 or 3 hours from the meal, during storms after copious meals.
Given the diversity of sufferings and especially the particularity of their manifestation and evolution in each and every case, a precise list of all contraindications can not be drafted. Consequently, the application of the therapy on patients with severe disorders will be made only after careful consideration and with the approval of the specialist house physician.
Sorin Iga
President of the Romanian Yumeiho Society,
6th degree instructor and therapist,
International representative of the International Institute of Practical Preventive Medicine from Tokyo – Japan