My name is Mihai.
I am a Yumeiho therapist, member of the Romanian Yumeiho Society and a Yumeiho therapy instructor, accredited by the International Institute of Practical Preventive Medicine from Nagaoka – Japan.
How did I get here?
The story begins several years ago with a terrible pain in my hip. The cause of the pain was diagnosed by a doctor in Bucharest as necrosis of the femoral head, after which I was advised to resort to surgery and to have a prosthesis applied on the femoral head (in time, the pain proved to have another cause, but this is yet another story!). I was, at the moment, inspired enough to decline the surgical intervention, so I started to look for an alternative. My chance was I knew someone who practiced Yumeiho, that is, amongst other therapies the person used to practice. After a few sessions of Yumeoho therapy, the beneficial effects started to become noticeable. The hip pain alleviated, the body posture readjusted, and the overall physical and mental condition improved by each session…
The next step almost taken: I had already decided to learn the therapy (I, for that matter, was drawn to it!). And, as usual, when something must happen, it actually does, I discovered an advertisement about an introductory course on the Yumeiho therapy in my own city!
This is how the beautiful story called Yumeiho began for me. After the introductory course, a refresher course followed, and then another one and so on…
And the story goes on…
Mihai Mirodone